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Nakshatra Finder
One can easily find Rasi, Nakshatra or birth star by date of birth(DOB) with this Nakshatra finder. Totally there are 27 stars or nakshatra and 12 Rasi. Just by entering your birth details here we can show your Nakshatra and R
Rasi and Nakshatra calculator
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Rasi chakra has totally 12
12 Rasi Names:
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- Aries or Mesha or Mesham
- Taurus or Vrushabha or Rishabam
- Gemini or Mithun or Mithunam
- Cancer or kark or Kadagam
- Leo or Simha or Sinh or Simmam
- Virgo or Kanya or kanni
- Libra or Tula or Thulam
- Scorpius or Vrushchik or Viruchigam
- Sagittarius or Dhanu or Dhanusu
- Capricornus or Makar or Makaram
- Aquarius or Kumbha or Kumbam
- Pisces or Meen or Meenam
Aries or Mesha or MeshamRasi
The people who born in March or April will have Mesha Rasi. They will have Ashwini or
Taurus or Vrushabha or Rishabam Rasi
The people who born in April or May will have Rishaba Rasi. Rohini, Kiruthigai, Mirugaseeridam are the Nakshatras which comes for Rishaba Rasi. These Rasi people will have beautiful face. It is really difficult for anybody to fight against you.

Gemini or Mithun or MithunamRasi
The people who born in May or June will have Mithuna Rasi. Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam, Mirugaseeridam are the Nakshatras of Mithuna Rasi. Usually, Mithuna Rasi people will get others suggestion before starting any new work. They will accurately judge everything.
Cancer or Kark or KadagamRasi
If a person born on June or July month then he will have Kadaga Rasi as his zodiac sign. Punarpoosam, Poosam, Aayilyam are the Nakshatras which comes under Kadaga Rasi. Usually, Kadaga Rasi people will occupy everybody’s heart with their lovely words. They will always try to complete their jobs without fail.
Leo or Simha or Sinh or SimmamRasi
The people who born in July or August month with will Simma Rasi. Magam, Pooram, Uthiram are the nakshatras of Simha Rasi. Usually, Simha Rashi people are very bold. They like to get everything immediately.
Virgo or Kanya or KanniRashi
If a person born on August or September month then he will have Kanni Rashi. Uthiram, Hastham, Chithirai are the Nakshatras of Kanni Rasi. Usually, Kanni Rasi people will introduce themselves with other and they mingle easily. They love to do what they like.

Libra or Tula or ThulamRashi
The people who born in September or October month will have Thulam Rashi. Chithirai, Swathi, Visagam are the Nakshatras of Thulam Rasi. usually, Thulam Rasi people will have good management skills. They are very strict and they don’t like people who lie.
Scorpius or Vrushchik or ViruchigamRashi
If a person born on October or November month then he will have Viruchagam as his Rashi. Visagam, Anusham, Kettai are the Nakshatras of Viruchiga Rasi. Usually, Viruchiga Rasi people console themselves if they face any problems. They will have at least a small property in their name.
Sagittarius or Dhanu or DhanusuRashi
The people who born on November or December month will have Dhanusu as their Rashi. Moolam, Pooradam, Utharadam are the Nakshatras of Dhanusu Rasi. These Rasi peoplewill think differently and achieve everything. They won’t run behind money just because they love people more than money.
Capricornus or Makar or MakaramRashi
As per English Calendar, If a person born between
December 22 to January 19 then he will have Makara Rasi. Uthiradam, Thiruvonam

Aquarius or Kumbha or KumbamRashi
The people who born between January 20 to February 18 will have Kumba Rashi. Avittam, Sadhayam
Pisces or Meen or MeenamRashi
As per English Calendar, the people who born between
February 19 to March 20 will have Meena Rashi. Pooratathi, Uthiratadhi, Revathi are the Nakshatras of Meena Rashi. Usually, Meena Rashi people will speak what they thought. They won’t interact with people who tease them.
Nakshatras in Astrology
There are totally 28 nakshatras but in astrology, only 27 nakshatras are used for calculation. Each Rasi will have many Nakshatra and each nakashatra will have one Rasi and 4 padas. For an example, Mesha Rasi will have Ashwini and Bharani Nakshatra. So Both Ashwini and Bharani nakshatra people will have Mesha Rasi or Aries as their zodiac sign.

27 Nakshatra names:
- Ashwini
- Bharani
- Krittika or Krithika or Karthigai
- Rohini
- Mrigcira or MrigaShirisha or Mrigasheerisham
- Ardra or Thirivathirai
- Punarvasu or Punarpoosam
- Pushya or Poosam
- Ashlesha or Aayilyam
- Magha
- Poorva Phalguni or Pooram
- Uttara Phalguni or Uttiram
- Hasta or Hastham
- Chitra or Chithirai
- Swati
- Vishaka or Visakam
- Anuradha or Anusham
- Jyeshta or Kettai
- Moola or Moolam
- Poorvashadha or Pooradam
- Uttarashadha or Uthiradam
Sharavan or Thiruvonam- Dhanishtha or Avittam
- Satbhij or Shatbhisha or Sathayam
- Poorva
Bhadrpada or Pooratathi - uttara Bhadrapada or Uthiratathi
- Revati
Rashi Nakshatra Mapping
Rasi | Nakshatra |
Mesham | Ashwini or Bharanai or Kiruthigai |
Rishabam | Rohini, Kiruthigai, Mirugaseeridam |
Mithunam | Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam, Mirugaseeridam | Kadagam | Punarpoosam, Poosam, Aayilyam |
Simmam | Magam, Pooram, Uthiram |
kanni | Uthiram, Hastham, Chithirai |
Thulam | Chithirai, Swathi, Visagam | Viruchigam | Visagam, Anusham, Kettai |
Dhanusu | Moolam, Pooradam, Utharadam |
Magaram | Uthiradam, Thiruvonam and Avitam |
Kumbam | Avittam, Sadhayam and Pooratadhi | Meenam | Pooratathi, Uthiratadhi, Revathi |
The Rasi and Nakshatra are computer generated. So just cross check with the astrology.
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